Saturday, December 21, 2024

Dave Allen In Search Of Eccentrics

A 1974 documentary in which Irish comedian, Dave Allen, meets a variety of British eccentrics, including a man who lives in a box on wheels, a cowboy vicar and a man who pretends to fly a Lancaster bomber in his garage.

Happy Caturday

 I hope you’re able to grab a cat nap.

Orazio Orazi, Italy
Siesta, 1912

Singing Christmas Hedgehogs

Friday, December 20, 2024

Winter Solstice Dawn at Newgrange

Newgrange is one of 40 passage tombs in Brú na Bóinne in County Meath.Ireland. During sunrise on the Winter Solstice mornings (19 – 23 December each year) a beam of sun light penetrates the roof-box and travels up to 19-metres (62 ft) along the passage, and illuminates the chamber. As the sun rises higher, the beam widens, dramatically lighting up the entire chamber. This video captured the solstice four years ago.


On Saturday, December 21st 2024, the Winter Solstice Sunrise will be livestreamed from within the ancient passage tomb at Newgrange. For more details, visit Heritage Ireland


The louder the glacier, the stronger the melt.

Never Too Small

You probably know Simone Giertz as a builder of shitty robots. In this video the inventor and product designer opens the door to her tiny Los Angeles home. 

I have posted many of her robot videos over the years. Just plug her name into the search box if you’d like to see a few.

The Moon Star

The moon was a star this morning over the lobster-trap Christmas tree in Lunenburg, Nova Scotia. (photo by Darren Stone)

People Struggle To Open Milk Cartons (1976)

“I can imagine that to a person who’s a little bit emotionally unstable the trauma of trying to open one of these cartons could have devastating psychological effects.”


Thursday, December 19, 2024

Full Sensory Theater 1969

This contraption was meant to provide a total viewing experience at the movie theatre.

See More: Weird Universe

Death Of A Unicorn- Trailer

A father and daughter accidentally kill a unicorn. Ethical conflicts ensue.

via Kraftfuttermischwerk

SOMEWHERE IN BETWEEN - A Time Travel Adventure

Two will-they-won’t-they friends are just keeping it simple this New Year's Eve — until their house is crashed by a man from the future who tells them that the fate of the universe rests in their hands.